Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kulkas Mini

Harga Pas:Rp 165.000,- / Buah
Minimum Order:1 buah
Berat Kemasan:700 gr

Deskripsi Produk

Kulkas mini USB ini sengaja didesain mini dan pendinginan yang cepat

cocok ditaruh dimobil, dekat komputer, sehingga anda akan lebih nyaman dan stay lama

Recommeded di mobil pas macet. jadi segar

kulkas ini juga bisa panas lho. jadi bisa 2 way. bisa dingin dan bisa panas

usb kulkas mini top dah
pas penukaran dari panas ke dingin. di offkan beberapa menit terlebih dahulu, dan membuka pintunya

harga tidak termasuk adaptor tembok dan adaptor mobil kit

1 comment:

  1. Storage Hong Kong Mini StorageIncreasingly frequent coateropion between Hong Kong and the Mainland , has the central government to submit documents for the function of the co- orientation written into the 12 • 5 plan years, and supporting the consolidation of our economic and trade and shipping center.Mr Lam stressed that the framework for the Hong Kong-Guangdong co-operation into the 12 • 5 layout, is to ensure that Hong Kong s leading position , to avoid duplication of Hong Kong and Guangdong Province , vicious competition. Logistics industry welcomed the Government's approach . Development opportunities for national planning and Hong Kong symposium . Stressed in his speech , the Chief Executive in ○ ○ seven to eight years of policy reports have shown that support to the nation's 12 • 5 planning , he personally led a delegation to visit Beijing on three occasions , with the Development and Reform Commission to discuss how to meet the central development of Hong Kong .Lin refers to the Central Government has already submitted documents , the file mentioned in the three focus , first, that the Central Government support to consolidate Hong Kong trade and shipping center ; the second is the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement , the further To make our professional services into the Mainland ; third is to positioning the co- written into the 12 • 5 planning.The SCA early to Fuzhou , the nine provinces in the Mainland Development Conference held in the Pan- Pearl River Delta , the Pan- Pearl River Delta nine provinces have agreed to jointly fight for the Pan- PRD co-operation into the 12 • 5 planning.Hong Kong Logistics Association Chairman Mr Steve Welcome to the Central Government to fight , to consolidate Hong Kong's shipping center, he refers to Hong Kong and Mainland ports is highly competitive and , if able to control parts of the mainland terminal, the logistics industry in Hong Kong must have help .But he also hopes the Government will increase the container terminal logistics sites , such as parking , loading area , or else the industry does not have enough local business , can not improve throughput .Sponsored seminar Hong Kong storage by the mainland over the past three decades of reform and opening up of rapid economic development; how to make the economic division of the Pearl River Delta and other places , is our biggest challenge over the next three years .Mr Lam stressed that the framework for the Hong Kong-Guangdong co-operation into the 12 • 5 layout, is to ensure that Hong Kong s leading position , to avoid duplication of Hong Kong and Guangdong Province , vicious competition. Logistics industry welcomed the Government's approach .Lin refers to the Central Government has already submitted documents , the file mentioned in the three focus , first, that the Central Government support to consolidate Hong Kong trade and shipping center ; the second is the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement , the further To make our professional services into the Mainland ; third is to positioning the co- written into the 12 • 5 planning.The SCA early to Fuzhou , the nine provinces in the Mainland Development Conference held in the Pan- Pearl River Delta , the Pan- Pearl River Delta nine provinces have agreed to jointly fight for the Pan- PRD co-operation into the 12 • 5 planning.Hong Kong Logistics Association Chairman Mr Steve Welcome to the Central Government to fight , to consolidate Hong Kong's shipping center, he refers to Hong Kong and Mainland ports is highly competitive and , if able to control parts of the mainland terminal, the logistics industry in Hong Kong must have help .But he also hopes the Government will increase the container terminal logistics sites , such as parking , loading area of , or else the industry does not have enough local business , can not improve throughput .
